Tuesday, October 14, 2014


The retreat of the Niuean Ministers in the Presbyterian Church of Aoteaoa NZ.

I would like to thank the Rev Minister Uea Tuleia and his wife Nolisa Tuleia for hosting the retreat of 2014 at the Otara PIPC.

A relaxing day Golfing on Monday.
Maybe next time we arrange for a trophy for the winner.
I take pleasure in being the one with the least score on the score-card. Ere was always the steady as she goes player, and Uea and I taking nearly nine holes to get the feel of the game. It has been a while.

That we do need to practice some more people.
If we do play the game, we would like a more regular time frame.... not once a year..... maybe once a week would be appropriate.


A thoroughly enjoyable evening in a steak restaurant where we were joined by Kontiki,  Faukland, Pentekoso, Fiamafola and grandchild. as well as Norisa, Ere Uea and I


Meetiung of the Charter convened by the Moderator Rev Ere Talagi-Ikitoelagi.
Much of the business was dealt with at this meeting held at the manse(mansion) of the Otara PIC Church.
1.  Succession plan for ordained leadership.
2.  Explore Local Ordained Ministries (LOM)
3   Continue to nurture candidates for both LOM and NOM (National Ordained ministries).
4  Curriculum and a considering a system of establishing laypreachers learning facility
5  Memorandum of Understanding with the Uniting Church of Australia.on how the         HALALAUPAPA  can help us in our shared ministries among the Niueans bith in Australia and NZ.

I am sure you are wondering how I manage to move without the music. Its what we call in the ministry MAGIC.

When the Secretaries and treasurers joined the ministers, we went through the business discussed at the Charter's meeting:
There were also reports from the PI Synoid, Youth NNYE, the Presbyterian Women and the Halalaupapa between Australia and NZ.

Very interesting conversation from questions raised by the members: What is the difference between the name Akoako and Matua Fekafekau? or even Faifeau.... There was some reference to the infkuence if Samoan missionary Paulo who brought the term ao'ao to the island.
Resolved that the ministers should be called Reverends and those who have not completed the theological and ministry training may be called Pastors.

There was also more clarifications as to the membership to the PI Synod Presbytery.

Ministry in general is looking up.

The re configuring of the Niue Fono Motu constitution to that of a two tear organisation had gone well with very little drama. We acknowledge the work of the Legal Councilor Ikipa Tongatule.

Newly elected leaders of the two adjoining bodies.
Legal entity is the Incorporated Socierty is headed up by the Chairman Rev Uea Tuleia, acting chair the Rev Penetekoso Togiatama; Secretary Ikipa Tongatule, and treasurer Rev Don Ikitoelagi.

The Niue Fono Motu Charter headed uo by the oiderator the Rev Ere Talagi-Ikitoelagi, Secretary Rev Faukland Liuvaie and the Treasurer Rev Don Ikitoelagi.

The Board of the Incorporated Society consist of the above office bearers and secretaries from all of the congregational churches in the PCANZ.

Mmebership in terms of congregations:
Henderson PIPC, Niutoni PIC, Knox Parnell Presbyterian; Tamaki PIC, Mangere PIC, Otara PIC, Hamilton, Wellington.

Membership of the Charter other than the office bearers and the other ministers:
Rev Sione Faitala; Rev Mele Tavelia, Rev Tom Etuata (retired),

We were looking forward to next years Niue Fono Motu that will be hosted by the Takanini PIC.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Representation to the PCC meetings of General Secretaries from member Churches and National Council of Churches of each country.

PCC was mandated at the last General Assembly in the Solomon Island to take stock of itself, and 
provide strategies of improving its effectiveness in providing leadership to the regional churches 
that it is part of.

As people of the Pacific, what treasurers have we lost in the course of our journey into the light of the Gospel.
What are important taogas -treasures that we can reclaim of our culture, rituals and practices 
which will enhance our LOTU, our worship. our reflections, and our life of prayer.
Rethink and review calls for the PCC to reflect on this 50 year journey,
and in our discernment open ourselves to an openness to God's leading in order for us to allow God to do its task of renewing us, and recharging our energy level to give leadership in mission for the next 50 years.
Remember God's place in our lives, Remember the involvement of God in the lives of his people the Israelites. Remember God's influence in or lives and the lives of our forebears.
Renew our outlook and value our most precious gift of family, community, and of fellowship.
Reciprocity is a covenant relationship which is the basis of our lifestyle in our extended families, and in our church family.

Not forgetting the need for us to be relevant in our mission and ministries, where communication is vital within our diverse cultures. What are we doing and why are we doing the things that we value in our lives as individuals and in our faith and social based communities. 
one talk 
allowed us to share, to question, and to develop 
ways of weaving our spirituality, our best practices and our gifts together with the belief that 
God's spirit is embracing these into wisdom that will provide for PCC a renewed pathway for the future.

Bible study in the first day.
Ruth 2.

The bible study enabled the group to observe the dynamics that were happening between characters of the passage. The behaviour of the owner of the harvest surprised us given the nature of the relationship of the people of Israel and the Moabites. 
Boaz found out what a faithful woman to Naomi a family to him. So he cared for her, ensuring that she had enough and some to take home for her mother in law Naomi.

The question was asked: how have our member churches treated the strangers in our village, our Island and our homes?
How do we as God's family from different denominations live out the love of God?
How can we use the lessons of this narrative to improve our understanding of ecumenism?

Day Two
Bible study

Exodus 12: 21 - 28

Passover feast

Luke  22: 19 - 20
Holy Communion.

The passover came out of the plight of the Israelites to be liberated from Egypt's hold on God's people.
Moses made numerous attempts to free his people but were unsuccessful.
The act of worship, protected by the blood of the sacrificial lamb killed in order for an offering to be made saw the death sentence passing over the Israelites homes saving their first born from death that left Egypt in a state of mourning.

The new testament Communion resulted at the time of the pass over celebration as a mark of God's hand being played in the salvation of God's children.
The sacrifice was to follow the agape meal, Jesus was crucified on the Cross.
Much of the discussions were focused on the self giving of God in these two narratives.
The first reading was around the request of Moses to let God's people go.
Set them free.
In the second reading, Jesus set us free with his sacrifice on the cross.
How do these passages build up our relationships with God and with each other as people of the Pacific?
We share the love of God in Christ  as we work with the Spirit in the proclamation of the word.
Are there expressions of worship, of Holy communion and of our faith that we could make employing the gifts that God has made us to be, with the identities that we now carry?

The power of forgiveness.

Text: The prodigal Son
Genesis 3.

The power of Lotu. and Vanua
MANA: Blessing - We have good mana, and could have bad mana.
Mana is in the Blessing that we channel. Blessing is from God, we don't have it but we can be medium where we can channel it to others.

We all had a question on forgiveness.
Our group had the following question.
Why do we have to forgive?

From the bible study.
God forgave, he redeemed us from the sins of the first Adam by the death of the second Adam Jesus Christ.
The father forgave the prodigal son. What about the first son? Did he forgive the Father, or his wayward brother? 
God only can forgive our sins. We can forgive others and help others to seek forgiveness from God.
What about the member of the church seeking forgiveness from the minister for his transgressions?
Can the minister forgive? Maybe the minister's is not the he/she forgive, but help the member to identify the wrong, address damages to those who fell victim and assist in reconciliation and maybe restitution.

We Attended a Fijian Village where a cultural act of forgiveness was undertaken, wrapped in Fiji culture among the 12 tribes, and 8 villages. The Chief was party to this act of forgiveness service - with Shark's tooth and Kava ceremony.
Its the act of Fijian Methodist Church with the support of the member Churches from the Pacific asking forgiveness for the history dotted with misunderstanding and wrong doing.
Three coconut trees were planted in commemoration of this act of reconciliation.
Bu la!!!

Receive a representative from West Papua as they seek support from member Churches in their plight seeking independence. 
The PCC member representatives and the secretaries from National Council of Churches do support their plight ans are expressing this with a letter to the appropriate bodies dealing with the situation.

This is my last entry to this blog.
This was a very different approach to meetings where the efforts have been prayerfull deliberation, mostly in the form of Talanoa. Community based Boible study seemed to have been adopted, and I join many of the church representative found it at first different, but started to see the benefits of it as time went on.

The views on this bloig are mine, and reflections my take on the discussions.
So do reflect on them and comment at the end of the blog if there are views that you would wish to make comments on

Rev Don Ikitoelagi
Clerk of PI Synod Presbytery.
Representing Komiti Moana Nui a committee of the PCANZ.

Fans were taken for the day but returned at the end of the evening marking our willingness to share.
People were allowed to take a pick of any fan, however they are returned for the ritual to bring meaning to togetherness.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

PI SYNOD Presbytery 
Komiti Moana Nui
PI Synod & Te Aka Puaho

At the Tahiti Pacific Conference of Churches in the late nineties, the PCANZ sought to join the Pacific churches at this ecumenical international organisation. We weren't able to as a PCANZ, however we manged to be accepted as a church represented by Maori and Pacific members of our Church. There was  a concern that Island church leaders have of the Palagi membership from PCANZ outside of the Pacific region, a mindset that promote a worldview far removed from one that appreciate the Pacific heart and culture. Here we are many years later operating with a membership that values the whole PCANZ church, with a body specifically Maori and Pacific representation. Millie Te Kaawa and Rev Leiite Setefano spoke convincingly on behalf of the PCANZ with the facilitation of a Global Mission representative achieved in getting the PCANZ membership to the Pacific Conference of Church.
From such early beginnings, Te Aka Puaho with Rev Te Kaawa's extensive knowledge of Pacific history and migration brought to the PCC a renewed sense of kinship, particular;y between the Tahitian Church and Maori. Komiti Moana Nui and the moderators of Te Aka Puaho, Rev Wayne Te Kaawa and the PI Synod Rev Ere Talagi-Ikitoelagi in the PCC AGM in the Solomon Islands, invited the next PCC meeting to be hosted by the PCANZ in Autearoa New Zealand. 
Many of the Pacific membership from national churches and National Councils of Churches, saw this as a real commitment that has come because of our desire and passion to be standing in solidarity with Pacific Churches in the Pacific Conference of Churches a body that consolidated the connection each member church's has with the international World Council of Churches. 

This is  but a brief comment on the Pacific nature of our ecumenical family with the PCC.

The other connection with the Pacific is the membership that we share as PCANZ with nine other  Pacific Island churches of the Council of World Mission (was London Missionary Society). 
The PCANZ membership of the Very Rev Pamela Tankersley was elected by member churches to be the chairperson for the Pacific region who also in this role become the deputy moderator to the CWM international sharing the deputy position with chairpersons of their respective regions.

I write this blog as a lead up to my attending the meetings of general secretaries from all member churches and NCCs of each country.

We are meeting here in NADI as the third of these forums called by the PCC executive currently chaired by the Moderator of  PPC the Rev Dr Tevita Havea and the General Secretary the Rev Francois Pihaatae.
The first of these meetings was called after the unfortunate event of the PCC facing financial loss due to lines of accountability not being followed. A renewed and more robust structure and governance was set up bringing the member churches and NCC; Secretariat and the executive into a relational networking, shared mission and ministry focused organisation.

The second of these meetings was post Assembly in the Solomon Islands meeting, in being clear of what was decided at the AGM and to work out the implementation process that such decisions were to me managed earlier in the 5 year cycle so allowing a clear direction on how the rest of the term is to be managed through its process with the executive, secretariat and member churches( & NCC).

This meeting is being facilitated with the theme of "Ecumenical rethinking and renewal of the household of God". 11th to 14th August 2014 at the Fun World Plaza Hotel Saunaka Nadi Fiji.
I will include in the next blog a brief outline of the direction, and result of the meeting.

Rev Don Ikitoelagi Clerk of PI Synod representing the PCANZ and supported by the Moderator of the Komiti Moana Nui and Te Aka Puaho.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Decisions and Office bearers of thePI Synod Presbytery from the 2014 Comference.

Moderator : Rev Nathan Pedro
Clerk:Rev Don Ikioelagi
Treasurer: Lelei Leota
Administrator: Tala Faamausili.
Fono Moderators & Secretaries.
Fono SamoaL
Moderator: Rev Pelu Tuai
Secretary: Rev Ionatana Pouli-Lefale
Fono Tasi - Tuvalu and Tokelau
Rev Nathan Pedro
Secretary: Ioane Iosua
Uapou Fellowship
Moderator:Rev TokoIne
Secretary: Rev William Curthers.
Niue Fono Motu
Moderator: Rev Ere Talagi-Ikitoelagi
Secretary: Rev Faukland Liuvaie
Contacts: Clerk Rev Don Ikitoelagi
Phone 09) 416 5584
021 0750450
Office 09) 336 1181
Rev Tala Faamaisili
Office 09) 3361181

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pacific Island Synod Presbytery 2014 Conference


The PI Synod Presbytery 2014 Conference 
was hosted by the PI Synod Council 
at the Grey Lynn PIC Parish.
In the opening day of the conference, the Tuvalu and Tokelau 
Fono (Fonotasi) brought forward the name of the Rev Nathan Pedro to be their nomination 
for the role of Moderator of the PI Synod Presbytery.

The PI Synod Presbytery proceeded to induct Rev Pedro to the office of Moderator at the concluding Service of Induction held at the PIC Grey Lynn on Saturday the 26th July 2014.

(INDUCTION PRAYER For The Ref Nathan Pedro.)
Office bearers also appointed at the Conference:
Clerk: Rev Don Ikitoelagi
Treasurer: Mr Lelei Leota.
Acknowledge also the Administrator 
Rev Tala Faanmausili.

Vote of thanks was extended to the past moderator Rev Ere Talagi-Ikitoelagi
who lead the team of representatives from each of the constituent Fonos 
in the Business committee, PI Synod Presbytery Council, Standing committees,and PI Synod executives.
The Very Rev Pamela Tankersley was thanked and discharged of being a consultant during the two years of transition

The Moderator of the PCANZ the Rt Rev Ray Coster and Judy came as honored guests to the conference; brought greetings from the rest of the Church and also Te Aka Puaho.

The Rt Rev Ra Coster.
We appreciated the Word of God that the moderator Rt Rev Coster preached and the encouragement for the Synod to be clear in their purpose and to be mindful of others worldview while living out the Christ like lifestyle. The analogy of the Cheeter's and the Gazelle's worldviews will be remembered as a basis of all relationships. :Awakened every day to the reality of life, that they must run fast. One need to outrun the cheetah, and the other to catch the gazelle. One avoid get eated otherwise it get eaten, and the other need to eat or perish. 
There should not be a situation where they both believe that theirs is the only worldview.

Lay-preachers were brought by Fono Samoa and Niue Fono Motu 
at the completion of the prescribed training 
were commissioned by the PI Synod.
This was the first of such an occasion since the PI Synod;s inauguration.
presided over by the newly inducted Moderator of the PI Synod Presbytery.

The two day Conference was considered by those who attended, both  members and visitors as an occasion to be proud of.It carried a touch of professionalism in how the program was ordered, reports presented, and how decisions made on Friday was highlighted on Saturday as the issues that will be addressed by the Council of the PI Synod Presbytery. 
All the reports and Presbytery business were dealt with on Friday, and on Saturday each Fono presented mission priorities and exciting ministries from their respective Fonos on Saturday.

The congregation that the Moderator Rev Nathan Pedro is the minister.
The Rev Pedro is not only the PI Synod Moderator, he has been elected by the Tuvalu and Tokelau Constituent group of the PI Synod as their Moderator.
Each Fono gets to elect a moderator as part of the PI Synod structure, as set out in the PCANZ Book of Order. 
Moderator for Fono Samoa - Rev PeluTuai
Secretary of the Fono Samoa - Rev Ionatana Pouli-Lefale
Moderator of the Uapou Fellowship-Rev TokoIne
Secretary of the Uapu Fellowship: Rev William Cuthers
Moderator of the Niue Fono Motu- Rev Ere Talagi-Ikitoelagi
Secretary of the Niue Fono Motu - Faukland Liuvaie.
Moderator of the Fono Tuvalu & Tokelau - ev Nathan Pedro.
Secretary of the Fono Tuvaluand Tokelau - Ioane Iosua.
All great occasions in the Pacific context begins and ends with a Pasifika MEAL. 
The two day event was catered for by Jeny from Knox Parnell catering services.
Ota, crackling pork, chicken, ham, taro, whole cooked salmons, greens salad and corned silverside.
Thank the PI Synod for a couple of days of feasting in between the "talanoa"


Final word from the Clerk.

Thank you great people of God.
We have come a long way in our journey as Pacific Presbyterian people.
Our dream has been realized, and hear we are, a court of the PCANZ.
Carrying the same responsibilities and receiving the same authority as all the other regional presbyteries.

We have all worked hard since the inauguration of this Presbyteryan in 2013, despite all the barriers that we have faced. Many we are still working at, including the chapter 13.1 regulation.
On behalf of the Moderator Rev Nathan Pedro, I would like to convey his love and regards to all of you who attended the conference. We hope to continue our service to God in being faithful in the tasks we are charged with as PI Synod Presbytery.
Special thanks to Rev Ere Ta;agi-Ikitoelagi for the leadership you offered in the most turbulent stage of our journey. Fakauelahi.

Rev Don Ikitoelagi
Clerk of the Pacific Island Synod Presbytery.
